Sunday, March 3, 2013

Upgrading Kabinet Pelangi Inspirasi

Okeeeh, Finally I write this story..

Hmm, It’s story about  ‘something’ that happened in the mid of February, yeah it was almost 1 month ago. It doesn’t matterlah yaa, walaupun uda sebulan berlalu, masih akan selalu ada hal yang menarik untuk diceritakan, trust me ? ahaha

Seperti yang gue pernah omongin ke sohib-sohib gue, kalo gue tuh demen banget sama namanya cerita. Hoho. I think they almost bored when I tell them about a new story that already happened inside me. Ckckc. So, maybe if I write my story I will not spend my friend’s time to hear my story, en gue juga bisa inget-inget kejadian-kejadian di masa lampau dengan hanya membaca kisah-kisah ini. Is it right ?