Friday, August 19, 2011

Management and Organization

Management Class
Departement of Management
College of Economics and Management
Bogor Agricultural University

Lectures : Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, MSc
By : Farichatul Ivada (G54100006), Departement of Mathematics, Bogor Agricultural University

Session 1 (Management and Organization)
In this chapter, I have studied about what is management, what is Manager and their classification, what the powerful attention by manager, what does the manager do to get the efficiency and the effectivity of the goal achievement and how to become a good manager. Overall, everybody must be a manager; lectures, teachers, supervisiors, directurs, even students, and housewife are managing their life. In the common, manager is everybody that manages, organizes, and controls the system of work usually oriented in the bussines but not at all. A good manager can handle up their job and their activity to get their goals efficient and effective. What is the mean with “goals efficient and effective” ? Mr. Ujang said that it can happen when we do something with the minimal input but we get the maximal output and also our goals can reach with the brief way. How to become a good manager ? It’s only can achive if the manager have disciplines and Objective as their characters. When we have dreams or goals, we need to consistent to do that, make sure that everything we do, only for reaching it. A good manager also must has a communicating skill to convey his ideas to others, and in this college life, we need to practice this skill with join in the organization or in the some committees. Disciplines, objective, consistent, good communicating ate the first modals that must being manager’s character because when the manager indisciplines and has no passion in work, his work will disorder and disorganized.

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